Thursday 22 July 2021

DFI Tuawaru - Computational Thinking

He timatanga haututu ki Scratch. He kaha ake aku ākonga ki ēnei momo mahi. Ehara au i te tangata manawanui. Ka tere hōhā au ki ēnei momo mahi, engari ka kite au i te whakahirahiratanga o ēnei pūkenga, nā reira ka whakamahi tonu ki te akomanga. Mā ngā tamariki ahau e whakaako. 

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Jalna,
    Just love it, a flying hippo! Did you see there are different costumes for the hippo so that the wings appear to move? Would be worth it I think.
    Ngā mihi,


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